Are you experiencing hair loss? Get in touch with the best of our hair specialists in Pune to understand your hair condition. For a hair treatment or to get hair transplant, book an appointment with our dermatologists near you, call +919584584111.
Table Of Contents
What Triggers Scalp Folliculitis?
Home-Based Folliculitis Treatment
Clinical Treatment for Folliculitis
As the name suggests, folliculitis features the inflammation of hair follicles. One of the most common causes of folliculitis is a bacterial infection. Of course, the bump or pimple at the base of scalp hair could be itchy and painful. But even worse, the bump can rupture to become a crusty sore.
Now, mild folliculitis often heals without scarring on some days with self-hygiene. But repeated or serious instances would require clinical intervention. Ignoring folliculitis can lead to permanent hair loss and scarring. So, how do you treat folliculitis on the scalp or other body parts? Let’s look at the answer.
There are two types of folliculitis – superficial and deep. While the superficial type involves part of the follicle, and the deep one involves the complete follicle. The latter is more severe. Let’s look at the most common types of folliculitis.
Many patients discuss boils on the head and scalp and scalp folliculitis treatment. So, let’s look at some factors associated with both these aspects.
Folliculitis on the scalp is triggered by micro-organisms like bacteria (Cutibacterium, Staphylococcus aureus), yeast (Malassezia), and mites (Demodex Folliculorum). But what leads to the growth of such micro-organisms? Let’s overview some reasons.
Some symptoms of boils on the scalp include large red pimples with surrounding crust, itchiness, and the uncontrollable feeling of scratching the head and pain.
Patients often ask us what is the fastest way to heal folliculitis . Every treatment requires time to show effect. Hence, patience and persistence matter. Nevertheless, here are some home-based and clinical treatment options to treat folliculitis.
Note: You must consult a dermatologist before trying any of the following treatment options to avoid side effects or complications.
Antibiotics: Dermatologist may prescribe appropriate oral and topical antibiotic depending upon the severity, the organisms and the duration and recurrence of folliculitis
Need specific information about treatment for folliculitis or scalp folliculitis treatment? Connect with HairMD. We are one of the leading dermatologists with over three decades of experience and providing personalized treatment. Connect with us to book an appointment with our expert dermatologists.
Are you looking for hair fall solution? Get in touch with the best of our hair doctors in Pune to cure your hair loss. To book an appointment for a hair treatment or hair transplantation, contact our dermatologists near you, call +919584584111.
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