Male Hair Loss

Male Hair Loss

Male pattern baldness has many causes, it can be because of hereditary components, hormonal changes, medical conditions, or even a normal part of ageing. Hereditary hair loss is extremely common in men, and while some people like to let it run its course untreated, others opt to go for a male pattern baldness treatment. However, before you go for a hair regrowth treatment for men, ensure that you consult your dermatologist about the underlying cause of hair loss and the treatment options that will work best for you. Here are the results we have achieved for male hair loss treatment.




Mr.Suresh Avad

“Hi, I am a 40 year old male who has been suffering from pattern baldness since my 30s. Due to various responsibilities like career, family, children, loans etc. I was not able to treat my hair loss. I just ignored it. However, more and more people started commenting about my baldness and it was a source of major insecurity. Finally, I was researching on Youtube and came across Dr Dhananjay Chavan's video about the topic, he seemed very knowledgeable and I knew that I had to consult with him. I am very happy about my transplant results and glad that I took this step.”


Learn More About Our Treatment Process at HairMD



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Dr Dhananjay Chavan

Dr. Dhananjay Chavan

Dermatologist and hair transplant surgeon, MBBS, DVD

The driving force behind HairMD, Dr. Chavan is a certified dermatologist with over 30 years of experience in hair loss treatments and hair transplant surgeries.

Dr Sachin Pawar

Dr. Sachin Pawar

Hair transplant surgeon, MBBS, MS

With more than 17 years of experience in dermatology, hair transplant, and surgery, Dr. Pawar is a highly qualified consultant and surgeon.

Pune Station - Dermatologist - Dr Manali

Dr. Manali Shah

Dermatologist, MBBS, DDVL

Dr. Shah is a highly experienced dermatologist with over 14 years of experience in cosmetic dermatology, dermatosurgery, and lasers.

Dr Dhanraj Chavan

Dr. Dhanraj Chavan

Dermatologist and hair transplant surgeon, MBBS, MD

Dr. Dhanraj Chavan is a highly experienced dermatologist, hair transplant surgeon, and trichologist with over 6 years of experience

Hear From
Dr Chavan

The driving force behind HairMD, Dr. Chavan is a certified dermatologist with over 30 years of experience in hair loss treatments and hair transplant surgeries.

Dr Dhananjay Chavan-re


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Hair Fall Treatment Results
What To Expect?

Depending upon the length and thickness of the hair, the average person loses 80-100 hairs per day. People with thinner or shorter hair shed fewer hairs than thicker & longer hair. Women lose more hair strands than men.

Yes, there is enough evidence that non-surgical treatments are an effective way to achieve hair growth or minimize hair loss. However, treatment results may vary from person to person and will last as long as we continue to use the treatment.

First of all, to know if a hair transplant is right for you, you need to consult a dermatologist surgeon for your hair transplant. He will definitely help you in guiding in details about the procedure. He will check all the factors like your age, your health condition, donor area, how strong it is , etc.

More or less, it is yes. The hair follicle that has been transplanted will continue to grow for a very long period of time. After your hair follicles are grafted into areas, it takes some time to heal your skin. The growth of the hair follicles is permanent. But the transplanted hair follicles have a lifespan too. At some point, gradually they might stop producing as much hair as they used to.

A hair transplant performed by an experienced surgeon will definitely look and feel just like a natural hairline. Hairline designing is the main key for hair transplantation to look natural. Careful planning and careful hairline designing are an integral part of the hair transplant process

The prime tip for a happy and healthy hair is to properly nourish it and take good care of it. Enrich your diet with proper proteins and vitamins and drink sufficient water every day. In some cases, hair loss might occur due to heredity, hormonal changes, or medical conditions. In such cases, do visit HairMD for the best hair fall treatment in Pune.

Hair loss is often a manifestation of an unhealthy lifestyle caused by smoking, excessive drinking, unhealthy eating habits, and lack of exercise. Getting these factors under control can help regulate the speed of hair loss.

Ensuring that the hair receives proper nourishment through adequate vitamin E in the diet as well as better circulation through massages can help prevent hair fall in women. Enriching the hair with coconut oil, relying on Almonds, Acacia, and other fruits in the diet to enrich the hair follicles and stimulate hair growth are some of the changes you can help to stave off hair loss.

You are a good candidate for hair transplantation if:

  • You have tried all conservative methods to control hair loss like medicinal therapy, low-level laser light therapy, platelet-rich plasma therapy. But all these treatments have not worked for you.
  • Hair loss/baldness permanently settled.
  • Your baldness doesn’t have any underlying pathological disease as a cause.
  • If you don’t have a diffuse hair loss as in hair loss all over the head.
  • You have a perfectly healthy donor area.
  • You are ready to take proper aftercare and precautions to avoid infection.

    It is preferable to get a transplant done once your donor’s hairs are stabilized. Usually your donor hair fall is stabilized by 25 years, hence it is better to get it done post 25. Hair transplant before 25 is only recommended if there is advanced hair loss, if the hairloss has become stable or if the hairloss is affecting the mental health of the patient.

    While there is no standard cure for male pattern baldness, there are non-invasive treatments like medicines and invasive treatments like hair transplant surgery which will help slow hair loss and promote new hair growth to address the symptom of hair loss

    Hair thinning or male pattern baldness can start by the time you turn 30. The initial stages will include noticeable hair loss. As you grow older, you will either be two-thirds bald or have a noticeable balding pattern.

    Half of the male population is affected by chronic hair loss by the age of 50. Some men will notice that the hair loss is quite quick and they will lose most of it within five years. However, it’s common to lose hair gradually; mostly, it will take over 15 to 25 years.

    Yes, it does. Smoking can be really bad for your overall health and it does cause significant damage to your hair, too. The nicotine and carbon monoxide present in cigarettes restrict the oxygen levels in your bloodstream and result in poor blood flow; it also results in poor functioning of vital organs. Smoking also leads to premature hair aging, and scalp infections.

    There are many causes behind teenage hair loss:

  • Alopecia
  • Ringworm
  • Puberty
  • Poor nutrition
  • Medication that have harsh side effects
  • Diabetes
  • Anemia
  • Styling products
  • Chronic illness
  • Yes, it can help with hair growth because it increases the blood flow to the hair follicle. It also increases the thickness of the follicle, and delays the maturity phase which decreases hair loss.

    Alopecia Areata is caused when the cells in your immune system cannot recognize your own hair follicles and treat them as foreign bodies. This is an autoimmune condition and your cells attack the follicles causing them to fall out. The immune response which has misunderstood the follicles as foreign bodies have to be tackled for treatment.

  • Both men and women under the age of 30 are prone to this condition.
  • Men and women who undergo a lot of stress at work are often victims of this condition.
  • People with a history of Alopecia in their family are at risk of developing this condition.
  • People with autoimmune conditions are exposed to an early onset of Alopecia Areata.
  • The symptoms are loss of hair in patches in the head, in the beard and other hair follicles in the body. In most cases, this condition only affects the hair follicles in the head, but in a few rare cases, the condition spreads to all parts of the body, thereby, rendering the patient hairless. Discolouration and fragility in fingernails and toenails are also present in a few cases. Nails also tend to become brittle and break easily.

    The possible side effects of treating this condition with Minoxidil are

  • Redness or inflammation in the skin
  • Uncontrollable itching sensation
  • Localized burns
  • The colour and texture of your hair changes
  • Headaches
  • The side effects of using corticosteroids for treating the Alopecia differs on a case to case basis. There are instances where patients experienced zero side effects while some had to go through a few changes for a short period.

    While these treatments for Alopecia Areata have side effects, consulting your dermatologists on the treatment regimen and dosage can help prevent the onset of these side effects.

    Research suggests that people suffering from Alopecia Areata also suffer from low Vitamin D levels. Hence the deficiency could have a role to play to magnify the hair loss in such cases. Getting adequate vitamin D can promote hair regrowth in combination with a dermatologist prescribed treatment plan.