
Video on male hair loss


| Dr Dhanraj Chavan | July 19, 2021

Are you experiencing hair loss? Get in touch with the best of our hair specialists in Pune to understand your hair condition. For a hair treatment or to get hair transplant, book an appointment with our dermatologists near you, call +919584584111.

Video on male hair loss

Dr. Dhananjay Chavan explains how to prevent hair loss in men & hair loss causes and treatment of hair loss in males.Causes of hair loss in males are androgen and genetics it is called androgenetic. Finasteride & minoxidil play an important role to cure hair loss in males. Also, the medical line of treatment for hair loss is available such as low-level laser light(LLLT), erbium glass laser, PRP, mesotherapy & dermal roller.

Are you looking for hair fall solution? Get in touch with the best of our hair doctors in Pune to cure your hair loss. To book an appointment for a hair treatment or hair transplantation, contact our dermatologists near you, call +919584584111.