Dermapen Microneedling-de

Microneedling treatment, known as Dermapen treatment, is a clinical dermal-based procedure to treat hair loss. Dermapen Microneedling Treatment is clinically proven to stimulate hair growth in alopecia areata conditions where the hair follicle still exists to grow hair which is the case with most forms of hair loss.

Are you experiencing hair loss? Get in touch with the best of our hair specialists in Pune to understand your hair condition. For a hair treatment or to get hair transplant, book an appointment with our dermatologists near you, call +919584584111.

HowIt Works

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1 .Book Appointment

Book your appointment online.

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2. Diagnosis and Case History

Get a complete diagnosis of your condition on your first visit.


3. Curated Treatment Plan

Get a personalized treatment program based on your diagnosis.

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4. Results and Evaluation

Regular follow-ups to measure your progress.

TREATMENT Helps hair growth

Microneedling treatment uses a roller or microneedling device with fine needles to make many tiny puncture wounds on the surface of your skin. These needles are anywhere between less than 1mm to a few mm in length. This process stimulates the production of new collagen, thickens the dermis, and extends the life of existing collagen fibers. Apart from collagen production in the skin, Dermapen treatment also induces stem cells in the hair follicles and that leads to healthy hair growth.

The doctor first applies a topical anesthetic to your scalp to numb the area and reduce the chances of feeling any pain during the procedure. Depending on the size of the treatment area on the scalp, the time taken for the procedure can vary, but dermapen microneedling is a fairly quick process. The short duration of the procedure and the low dermapen microneedling cost make this a preferred hair loss treatment for man.

Before opting for the procedure, speak to your doctor if you have a history of acne or eczema, are on blood thinners and other medications, or have medical conditions like diabetes that can slow down the healing process. Microneedling is also not recommended for women who are pregnant. Microneedling treatment aftercare involves wearing a hat to protect your scalp from the sun, keeping the area clean, and using prescribed topical or oral medications (if any) to prevent bacterial infection.

Why Choose HairMD for Dermapen Treatment?

HairMD is one of the most reputed dermapen hair loss treatment clinics in India. We pride ourselves on our advanced solutions for the most complicated treatments and our 1 lakh satisfied customers in the state of Maharashtra is a testament to that fact. We have devised our procedures based on several clinical studies and the years of experience of our expert doctors.

Our team of internationally trained doctors treats patients with expert care and transparency. With a success rate of over 98%, HairMD has been at the forefront of technological advancement and modern treatments.

Are you experiencing hair baldness? Get in touch with the best of our hair specialists in Pune to understand your hair condition. For a hair treatment or to get hair transplant, book an appointment with our best hair doctor in Pune, call +919584584111.

Dermapen Treatment is an in-clinic procedure that involves using a medical grade device to create thousands of tiny punctures in the skin. These tiny wounds are meant to stimulate growth in the skin by pushing stem cells up to the surface of the skin. The hope is they also promote new hair growth in this process. Before you ask, yes- they can be painful if not done correctly.

Dermapen Microneedling-de

Although dermapen microneedling treatment is a safe procedure, common side effects like bruising, redness, inflammation, swelling, and slight pain can be observed after your treatment and will disappear within a week of your treatment.


Hair loss treatment for women

Hair Loss In women

Hair loss treatment for women in Pune

Hair Loss In women

hair loss treatment women

Hair loss treatment in Pune

Hair loss treatments women


“Hi, I am a 40 year old male who has been suffering from pattern baldness since my 30s. Due to various responsibilities like career, family, children, loans etc. I was not able to treat my hair loss. I just ignored it. However, more and more people started commenting about my baldness and it was a source of major insecurity. Finally, I was researching on Youtube and came across Dr Dhananjay Chavan's video about the topic, he seemed very knowledgeable and I knew that I had to consult with him. I am very happy about my transplant results and glad that I took this step.”



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Sonali Patekar

I was suffering from hair loss problems acne for a long time and I am grateful that I ran into the HairMD clinic. There is significant improvement in my hair My scars are all gone and I can finally look at myself in the mirror again. I cannot thank HairMD clinic enough for their expert service. They are simply the best.


Monali Shetty

HMD has made my life happy again. I had severe body image issues due to my skin and hair problems and I was desperately trying to find a solution. My friend recommended me to HairMD and I am so grateful right now. I would recommend this clinic to everyone across the country.


Kaushik Malhotra

My acne was simply incurable and I had horrible breakouts every month. I did not think I would ever have a clear face before my session with HairMD. The doctors are the best skincare specialists in India and I cannot believe the effectiveness of my sessions with them. Blessed to be a part of HairMD.


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About Dermapen Microneedling Treatment

Microneedling, often performed with a Dermapen device or dermaroller, involves using fine needles to create tiny punctures in the skin. This process stimulates the body's natural healing response and can be used for various skin issues, including hair loss (androgenetic alopecia, alopecia areata).

In the context of hair loss, microneedling helps stimulate blood circulation, promote the production of growth factors, and enhance the absorption of topical treatments by creating microscopic channels, potentially aiding in hair regrowth.

Studies suggest that microneedling can be beneficial for hair regrowth, especially when combined with other therapies such as topical treatments like minoxidil or platelet-rich plasma (PRP).

Dermapen is a type of microneedling device that uses multiple fine needles to create controlled micro-injuries in the skin. Its automated nature allows for precise and consistent treatments.

The number of sessions can vary based on individual needs and the severity of the condition. Typically, a series of sessions spaced weekly for the first few months and later monthly might be recommended for optimal results.

At HairMD clinics, the best hair doctor specializing in hair restoration might offer microneedling treatments along with PRP.