Nutritional Deficiency Hair Loss | HairMD, Pune

Hair is made up of proteins, mostly keratin and lack of protein can cause hair loss. When you lack protein, your body starts to save a lesser amount of protein and it changes your hair growth cycle to resting and falling phase. Overall, you need to have an adequate amount of proteins, vitamins, minerals, biotin, zinc, amino acids, and the right nutrition for hair that is healthy and strong.

Are you experiencing hair loss? Get in touch with the best of our hair specialists in Pune to understand your hair condition. For a hair treatment or to get a hair transplant, book an appointment with our dermatologists near you, call +919584584111.

Table Of Contents

Nutritional Hair Loss Symptoms 

What Nutritional Deficiencies Cause Hair Loss?

Treatment For Nutritional Deficiency Hair Loss

Hair loss is one of the most common problems found in both men and women. Some of the most common reasons for hair loss are hormonal imbalance, stress, nutritional deficiencies, etc. Can nutrient deficiency cause hair loss? Yes! Nutritional deficiencies can also cause dry and frizzy hair, brittle hair, and hair breakage. Moreover, inadequate nutrition can slow down your hair growth or even lead to balding. And the worst part is that it may take years before you notice signs of nutritional deficiencies on your scalp. Some of the essential nutrients for hair are protein which forms the hair structure, biotin which promotes hair growth, iron which supplies nourishing oxygen to the hair, and omega-3 fatty acids which prevent the hair from being dry or frizzy. There are also some vitamins that are crucial for healthy hair like vitamin B6, B12 and folate, vitamin C, and zinc.

Nutritional hair loss is the result of an imbalance of nutrition, which can have a negative effect on hair growth. For instance, if you have low iron levels then you’ll begin to notice that your hair is shedding, and the follicles are producing a thinner and thinner strands of hair.

Nutritional Hair Loss Symptoms 

  • Hair loss caused by nutritional deficiencies is accompanied by other symptoms of nutrient deficiency that has led to hair loss.
  • Hair loss due to vitamin D deficiency leads to thinning of hair or the hair may stop growing.
  • Hair loss due to deficiencies of iron or zinc-lead to hair damage-causing breakage of the hair.
  • Hair loss resulting from iron deficiency is accompanied by symptoms of anemia such as tiredness, weakness, and pale skin.
  • When selenium deficiency causes hair loss, which is a rare occurrence, symptoms of hypothyroidism can also be seen. Low vitamin B12 levels can also cause hair loss.

What Nutritional Deficiencies Cause Hair Loss?

Nutritional deficiencies and hair loss are closely related. Here are the vitamin and mineral deficiencies that can lead to hair loss.

  • Vitamin D deficiency can cause hair loss in females as well as males.
  • Deficiencies of minerals like zinc and selenium lead to hair loss.
  • Iron deficiency is a leading cause of hair loss.
  • The deficiencies of B-complex vitamins, vitamins A, C, and E are among the other reasons for nutritional hair loss.

Treatment For Nutritional Deficiency Hair Loss

The deficiencies of vitamins D, B12 and C can lead to hair loss. Similarly, deficiencies of minerals like iron, zinc, and selenium can cause hair loss. Before treating nutritional deficiency hair loss, it is important to know which deficiency is causing this hair condition. Once that is known, increasing the intake of that nutrient in your diet, serves as the best treatment for nutritional deficiency hair loss. Is nutritional hair loss reversible? Yes, because following a healthy diet and restoring the deficient nutrient through foods or nutritional supplements directly impacts the health of your hair in a positive way and helps restore hair growth. Here are some ways to combat hair loss caused by nutritional deficiencies.

To promote hair growth, add fish and eggs to your diet. Fish are rich in omega-3s and vitamin D and eggs are a rich source of multiple vitamins. So they serve as an excellent treatment for nutritional deficiency hair loss.

For hair loss caused by iron deficiency, the intake of red meat, fish, poultry, green leafy vegetables, and beans helps restore hair growth.

B-complex vitamins promote hair growth and improve hair health. So, as a treatment for nutritional deficiency hair loss, up the intake of vitamin B-rich foods like leafy greens, whole grains, and seafood.

Since proteins play a vital role in keeping the hair healthy, include protein-rich foods like pulses, soya, eggs, and dairy products in your diet.

For hair loss resulting from zinc deficiency, increase the intake of meat, shellfish, wheat germ, and nuts, which are good sources of the mineral zinc.

Following a healthy diet that includes adequate amounts of all the essential nutrients, is important for maintaining good hair growth and preventing hair loss caused by nutritional deficiencies.

You may think of taking nutritional supplements for hair growth, but they should be taken only after consulting a medical professional. If you are experiencing hair loss, take the advice of a dermatologist who would diagnose which nutrient deficiency is the reason behind your hair condition and accordingly recommend a good treatment for nutritional hair loss that would suit you best.

Are you experiencing hair loss? Get in touch with the best of our hair specialists in Pune to understand your hair condition. For a hair treatment or to get hair transplant, book an appointment with our dermatologists near you, call +919584584111.

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    Overall, we need to have an adequate amount of proteins, vitamins, minerals as well as amino acids to maintain our hair. Our hairs are made up of protein. So if there is a lack of protein intake, then it’s bad for your hair growth too.

    Nutritional Hair Loss | HairMD, Pune

    Hair is made up of proteins, mostly by Keratin. Lack of protein might cause hair loss. When you lack protein, your body starts to save a lesser amount of protein and it changes your growth cycle to resting and falling phase.

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    Yes, nutritional deficiencies, especially those related to vitamins and minerals, can lead to Nutritional Deficiency hair loss. Adequate nutrients are essential for healthy hair growth.

    Several vitamins and minerals play a vital role in hair health, including biotin, vitamin D, vitamin E, iron, zinc, and others to keep healthy hairs from hair loss vitamin deficiency.

    A healthcare provider can diagnose nutritional deficiency-related hair loss through blood tests that assess your nutrient levels. They can identify any deficiencies that may contribute to your hair loss.

    Signs may include increased hair shedding, thinning hair, brittle nails, and other symptoms related to nutrient imbalances.

    In some cases, adjusting your diet to include nutrient-rich foods may help improve hair health. However, supplements and medical guidance may be necessary for severe deficiencies.