
How should I take postoperative care after hair transplant?


Hair Transplant, Questions, Treatment | Dr Dhanraj Chavan | June 1, 2021

Baldness can be taken care with one of the golden treatment like getting a hair transplant. It is the one-stop solution for baldness. We all know hair transplant is a very delicate surgical procedure. So if you are planning for going for a hair transplant procedure or done with your hair transplant treatment. Now it is time to follow the post care after hair transplant to achieve the best hair transplant results. One and foremost it is important to meet a dermatologist to get complete information before undergoing such a procedure. 

Are you experiencing hair loss? Get in touch with the best of our hair specialists in Pune to understand your hair condition. For a hair treatment or to get hair transplant, book an appointment with our dermatologists near you, call +919584584111.

I will give you complete detailed information about how you can manage your post hair transplant care. Follow it step by step to achieve a good outcome.

1. Saline water: Use the normal saline spray every hour during the daytime and two to three times at night. The normal saline spray keeps the hair transplant area clean, reduces moist and sweating and most importantly provides you with energy for graft survival.

2. Sleeping position: For complete healing of the scalp, you need to sleep in an upright position to prevent the graft from contact. It is very important to avoid contact with graft for some days after post surgery.

3. Don’t do scratching: You need to keep your fingers away from the healing scar even though you feel itching in the implanted area. The next step is to remove the dressing of the donor area from the next day. Start with applying antiseptic ointment over the donor area for three days but not to the recipient area. You need to wash your head gently and thoroughly as advised by your doctor.

4. Reduce swelling: Keep the bandage on the forehead for five days to prevent any swelling. You need to use cold compressors and massage gently with your fingers to further reduce the swelling. For avoiding more fluid on the sides, try avoiding the exposure of excessive heat or cold and sweat for at least some days. If you are experiencing any pain, bleeding or infection, then contact your doctor immediately.

5. Don’t do an exercise: You can resume your normal daily activities from the very next day but limit the activities like gymming, jogging, cycling and sport for at least four weeks. Do not a gym for at least four weeks as the scalp takes that much time to heal completely.

6. Don’t have alcohol:  Avoid alcohol for at least first five days because the blood supply is extremely crucial for the growth of hair and healing of the scalp. Avoid smoking for one month because it interferes with blood supply as well.

Sleep after hair transplant

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Dos and don’ts after hair transplant

1. Stop going to direct sunlight: Also, remember to avoid strong sunlight for at least one month as it may affect the healing of your implanted hair and graft survival. It may cause you pigmentation if the graft is extracted from the beard area and not taken care.

2. Avoid using hair dye, hair products: Avoid using power shower, hair dye and even hair products. You can start using hair products after three weeks of the procedure only. You can continue to brush your hair after fifteen days of your surgery.

3. Medications to take: Consume supplementary medicines after hair transplant, healthy diet as well as adequate water for at least two to three months.

5. Follow up: Keep following up regularly with your consultant.

I hope this post will help you to know all about the care after hair transplant. If you feel this post is useful for you and informative, then you can share with your friends and family members. Even you can comment us so we can reply you back to give to solve your query.

Thanks for reading!

Are you looking for hair fall solution? Get in touch with the best of our hair doctors in Pune to cure your hair loss. To book an appointment for a hair treatment or hair transplantation, contact our dermatologists near you, call +919584584111.

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