Some Common Medications for Hair Loss Problems


Blog, Hair loss | Dr Dhanraj Chavan | August 5, 2023

Some Common Medications for Hair Loss Problems

Are you experiencing hair loss? Get in touch with the best of our hair specialists in Pune to understand your hair condition. For a hair treatment or to get hair transplant, book an appointment with our dermatologists near you, call +919584584111.

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What are the common hair loss treatment medicines prescribed for hair loss?

Hair grows and eventually falls off and is replaced by new hair as part of its normal cycle. It’s typical to lose between 50 and 100 strands of hair a day. Since your hair thickness and the hairline usually remain the same, most people may not notice the natural hair loss that occurs on a daily basis. People are more likely to spot excessive hair loss, as seen by a lot of hair strands in hair brushes, pillows and clothes or showers. Some people may even notice reduced hair density over the scalp and balding as part of hair loss. This is usually a good time to take action as it may be due to an underlying condition.

Hair medication for treating hair loss issues slows thinning of the hair and increases coverage of the scalp by growing new hair. It also stiffens the shafts of your existing hair to grow thicker. With these medicines, hair density tends to increase on the top of the head and not on the forehead area.

People looking for a treatment to help prevent or regrow hair can find several potential hair loss medicines available in the market. The efficacy of each option will vary from person to person. 

What are the common hair loss treatment medicines prescribed for hair loss?

Medicines for Hair Loss

While your hair may regrow on its own, sometimes treatment is essential to prevent further hair loss. Several medications, helpful for preventing hair loss are available easily. The most common include: 


Minoxidil is among men and women’s go-to hair loss medicines for androgenetic alopecia. It comes in liquid, foam and gel forms. To use minoxidil, you need to apply it as directed, usually once or twice a day. When used as directed, minoxidil can stimulate hair growth, stop hair from getting thinner and prevent further hair loss. 

Minoxidil comes in 5% and 2% solutions and is proven to be safe for most men and women. The 2% solution is the only hair loss treatment for women approved by the FDA. Minoxidil tends to be more effective when used along with other treatment options for hair loss.

Oral Finasteride

Finasteride is another hair loss treatment medicine that is effective for regrowing scalp hair, especially in males. This prescription hair medication affects the hormone testosterone reducing its effects on thinning follicles.  The majority of men taking finasteride experience a slowing of hair loss, and some may show new hair growth. Like other hair loss medicines, this, too, takes time to work; it usually takes about 4 months to notice any improvement. During that while, you’ll need to keep taking it to retain any benefits.

Hair Growth Serums

Hair growth serums are designed to help your hair look thicker, denser, fuller, and healthier. They help improve blood flow to the scalp and give the appearance of hair density. The ingredients present in serums may help volumise, prevent thinning, and soothe a dry, itchy scalp. To use, simply massage a few drops into your scalp each night before bed.

Nutritional Supplements

Like any other part of your body, your hair, too, needs a variety of nutrients to be healthy and grow. Hair thrives on proteins, iron, zinc, and vitamin B12, D3 etc., which support hair structure and promote growth. Deficiency of these nutrients has been shown to cause hair growth.  Hair supplements can go a long way in enhancing the hair follicle health. Your doctor may suggest a few tests to determine deficiency before putting you on specific nutrients or hair medications

A few loose strands here and there can be considered as a part of a normal hair cycle, but if you notice sudden or excessive hair loss for more than 3 – 6 months, you should seek consultation with a hair doctor at HairMD. Our experienced dermatologist will recommend hair loss medicines after a thorough diagnosis of the cause of your hair loss.

Are you looking for hair fall solution? Get in touch with the best of our hair doctors in Pune to cure your hair loss. To book an appointment for a hair treatment or hair transplantation, contact our dermatologists near you, call +919584584111.

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