
FUE Hair Transplant: The Most Popular Hair Transplant Method


Blog, Hair Transplant | Dr Dhanraj Chavan | July 4, 2021

FUE Hair Transplant: The most preferred procedure

As a Hair Transplant Surgeon, I get a lot of queries from patients who are planning to undergo the procedure. I have penned down this article to address those queries. Often, I meet people for whom hair loss is one of their biggest worries. They feel they lose on the age edge because their hair is not compliant with your youth. They lose out on dates, are referred to as uncle and aunt by society kids, etc. Have all of these aforementioned problems bothered you frequently as well? Well, then I am sure that a hair transplant has crossed your mind.

In this article, I will talk about the most recent gift of technology to us, FUE hair transplant, why is it a most preferred method? with the most common questions related to it. Let’s try to answer your queries one by one.


What is Hair Transplant?

Do you know what is Hair transplant as a procedure? Here is the basic understanding for you to make a calculated decision.

Hair Transplant is basically a redistribution of hair to the top of the scalp from the spots of hair that have good growth. It can be from the back side of the head, beard or rarely in some cases body hair. The spot which is selected as the donor spot is not prone to hormonal hair loss and has permanent hair.

How to improve Hair Donor Area?

As somebody considering a hair transplant, you should know the difference between the transplanted area and the donor area. Hair from the donor area is picked in comparison to the spots from where the patient is balding. For good results, you should first improve your donor area. For that, you should start some treatments under Dermatologists guidance such as PRP, Mesotherapy, LLLT, some medications.

 Must Read   

Who is the good candidate for hair transplant?

What are the two methods of hair transplant?

There are two types of Hair Transplants that you can consider. FUE hair transplant is the most recent one and certainly more efficient way of undertaking hair transplant. The main difference lies in the quality of the result produced and the method used in carrying out both the procedures. FUT (Follicular unit transplant) is the traditional hair transplant method in which it involves extracting a linear strip from the back or the side of the scalp. From the strip, individual grafts are then separated. With FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), individual follicular units containing 1 to 4 hairs are removed under local anesthesia. This micro removal typically uses tiny punches of between 0.6mm and 1.0mm in diameter.

Is FUE a boon to humankind?

In an FUE Hair Transplant, the donor’s hair picked consequently follicle by follicle from the permanent zone. In the FUE method, every follicular unit separately removed with the help of various types of punches motor. And helps you place every single follicle conveniently. The best part is that it leaves no big linear scar like FUT and is a really convenient procedure.

Why FUE vs FUT?


The best part is that the patients can resume their daily activities after an FUE Hair Transplant. With FUT method or the strip method, we have to keep in mind some restrictions. We can only deal with 2000, 2500, 3000 or 4000 grafts in one sitting, making it a long and tedious procedure. Similarly, On the other hand, over 1 lakh grafts can be worked upon at the same time. Consulting a good hair transplant clinic will clear all the doubts you have and will give you an exact analysis of the pros and cons of both the method.

The FUE method has gained popularity in recent times, thanks to how efficiently technology complements it. Similarly, if you are considering hair transplant then you should know that with FUE hair transplant you have very few tweaks to make. And with FUT, you have to undergo a long and tedious process.

I hope you have got all the information about the FUE Hair Transplant procedure, why is it the most preferred method in details. Kindly comment and share with your friends. If the thought of going for hair transplant still bothers you, then you are always welcome to consult our renowned specialists at Hair MD. Don’t worry at all, you are in safe hands for sure.

Thank you for your precious time.

Are you looking for hair fall solution? Get in touch with the best of our hair doctors in Pune to cure your hair loss. To book an appointment for a hair treatment or hair transplantation, contact our dermatologists near you, call +919584584111.

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